About Me
Here are some details about me that you may find interesting
- The website you are on now used to be hosted on my Raspberry Pi (set up with https and all), but I ran out of free educational domain names, so now its on GitHub Pages :)
- And, for the more technical among you out there, the styling (e.g. the cool navigation bar) for this site comes from Bootstrap
- I am a student in the ACES (Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students) program at UMD College park
- I graduated from the SMA program in Aberdeen High School, Harford County, MD
- If you scroll down enough in the page to the SMA (or just use control/command - F), you will see my name!
- I like computer science, math, watching and playing sports, messing around on the guitar or piano, and a lot more
Cool projects I did:
- I created a VoIP system that uses UDP/RTP voice data as a steganographic cover to covert data traveling between two users
- I created an easy-to-use Python (Kivy)-based GUI program that allows a user to encrypt and decrypt files using an implementation of AES
My Resume
Click here to see my resume